SimSonic is freely available 3rd party software suite for the simulation of ultrasound propagation, based on finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) computations of the elastodynamic equations. It is intended as a tool for researchers, teachers and students communities. The SimSonic suite consists of several compiled programs and C source codes, free for use, under the GNU GPL license (please see Copyrights). In exchange for free access to the SimSonic suite, the users are asked to make proper references, in their research publications or any other types of oral or written communications, to and to Bossy et al, JASA 115, 2314-2324, 2004 (see References).
The development of SimSonic was started in 2003 by Emmanuel Bossy during his PhD work at the Laboratoire d'Imagerie Paramétrique (CNRS-University Paris 6) in Paris, France. Since then, SimSonic has been developed by Emmanuel Bossy, now at LIPHY, CNRS-Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France, and has regularly been enriched with new options and versions. SimSonic has been initially developped mostly for research involving ultrasound propagation in bone (References). It is however a very general tool that can be applied to various situations involving ultrasound propagation in fluids and/or solids (biomedical imaging, non-destructive testing, photoacoustic imaging, etc.). This website is intended to provide researchers/students/teachers involved in ultrasound propagation with mature versions of SimSonic. The various versions of SimSonic correspond to different characteristics in terms of spatial dimensions and symmetries, but are otherwise based on the same physical model. In short, SimSonic models propagation in both fluid and solid media, which can be anisotropic and heterogeneous. Dissipation is not taken into account in the versions currently available on this website. The currently available versions are the following :
In this website you can find :
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