
Point source in fluid close to a fluid/solid interface (2D)

This example deals with the case of a pressure point source in a fluid, close to a fluid/solid interface. It illustrates the mode conversion at the interface, giving raise to several waves (compressional bulk wave, shear bulk wave, Rayleigh wave, compressional head-wave, etc.). All the files related to this simulation can be found here. The archive includes Matlab files used to generate the geometry and the signal, as well as all the input files required to launch the simulation. It also includes results files.

Cylindrical scatterer (2D)

This example deals with the case of a quasi plane wave incident on a solid cylindrical scatterer, close to a resonance frequency. By measuring signals on receivers circulary spread around the scatterer, and by substracting the signals measured without the presence of the scatterer, one can measure the scattering cross section as a function of direction and frequency. All the files related to this simulation can be found here. The archive includes Matlab files used to generate the geometry and the signal, as well as all the input files required to launch the simulation. It also includes some results files.